5 Tips on how to take perfect instagrammable selfies
3 min read
If you are trying to expand a personal brand and seek to grow your business using Instagram, you need to be seen. Selfies play a valuable role in getting engagement since people relate better with a brand once they see the face behind the brand. For some, taking a selfie that portrays them in the best possible light, can be a bit of a challenge. In this post we will be sharing our 7 best tips for taking the best instagrammable selfie.
Choosing the perfect location
Selfies that usually get a lot of traction are those that stand out. The competition on Instagram is fairly tight with millions of stunning photos that you are competing with. Choosing the best locations for taking your selfie is key to capturing your audience’s interest. Taking selfies from the beach, showing yourself in water, or on top of mountains or rooftops, can be exciting and make for stunning photos.
Aquarius Luxury Suites in Cape Town for instance, has the most beautiful rooftop with Table Mountain as a backdrop and exquisite sunsets that are bound to captivate your followers. The perfect location can make your selfie truly unique and interesting.
Choosing the best angle
Shooting your face in the top left or top right corner of the picture frame can have a far more compelling effect than simply taking the picture with your face in the center. The general rule is for your eye-line to be a third down from the top of the photo and your face to one side. This way you can capture some of the natural beauty or interesting surroundings as well.
Getting the lighting right
It is not advisable to take selfies in dimly lit settings or places with bright artificial lighting. Fluorescent lighting tends to make your skin tones look washed out and cast shadows in the wrong places. Opt for spots with natural lighting that highlights your best features.
Try more natural poses
It can be tricky to pose for selfies in ways that don’t look too posed. There is nothing wrong with posed photos but they tend to get repetitive very quickly. To really spruce up your Instagram profile and keep things exciting, interesting, and fresh, practice natural poses that showcase you in the most attractive way possible. Test out different angles and figure out which ones show your “good side”.
Yes, we all have an angle that shows the most flattering angle of our face. Emphasize on angling your forehead, chin, and body in various positions. You will quickly get a feel of where you need to position the camera and where your body and face must be angled for the best looks.
Add finishing edits to your pics
While it would be great to get the best selfie of yourself the first time around, most photos need a few editing finishes. From blemish removal and softening, to lighting, you can elevate your selfie to the next level with just a few tweaks. You can also change the selective colors in editing apps. Downloading an Instagram photo editor gives you the flexibility of experimenting with edits to make your selfies stand out.
Try different settings on your phone or camera. It is possible that the camera settings already have some of the editing options available. Check out each camera setting to see what they do and how you can put it to good use.
We hope this article on how to take perfect instagrammable selfies has been useful and that you will soon see a rise in followers and engagement, to help you with expanding your brand and getting more business.